Marc McClure
Zack Snyder's Justice League
2021 242m
Justice League
2017 120m
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
2006 116m
Freaky Friday
2003 97m
2000 99m
Apollo 13
1995 140m
The Vagrant
1992 91m
Back to the Future Part III
1990 118m
After Midnight
1989 90m
Amazon Women on the Moon
1987 85m
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
1987 90m
Back to the Future
1985 116m
1984 124m
Superman III
1983 125m
Strange Behavior
1981 99m
Superman II
1980 127m
Used Cars
1980 113m
1978 143m
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
1978 104m
Freaky Friday
1976 95m