Patrika Darbo
Spinning Man
2018 100m
The Hero
2017 97m
Cradle Swapping
2017 88m
My Trip Back to the Dark Side
2014 94m
2011 107m
The Search for Santa Paws
2010 89m
Moving McAllister
2007 89m
2006 83m
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
2005 120m
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
1997 155m
Speed 2: Cruise Control
1997 121m
In the Line of Fire
1993 128m
The Vagrant
1992 91m
Step by Step
SS 7 EPS 19
Spaced Invaders
1990 N/A
The 'Burbs
1989 102m
The Night Before
1988 85m