Ray Milland
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
1982 89m
Battlestar Galactica
1978 125m
The Pyjama Girl Case
1977 104m
The Last Tycoon
1976 123m
Aces High
1976 114m
Escape to Witch Mountain
1975 97m
The House in Nightmare Park
1973 92m
1972 91m
Love Story
1970 99m
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes
1963 79m
Panic in Year Zero!
1962 93m
King of Kings
1961 168m
Dial M for Murder
1954 105m
The Big Clock
1948 95m
Golden Earrings
1947 95m
The Lost Weekend
1945 101m
Ministry of Fear
1944 86m
The Uninvited
1944 99m
The Major and the Minor
1942 100m
Sullivan's Travels
1941 91m
Beau Geste
1939 112m
Easy Living
1937 88m
The Gilded Lily
1935 80m